Week 5, Day 1: Thursday, February 18

Hong Kong Esports vs eXtreme Gamers eSports Club, Game 2

Bans LoL QuinnLoL LissandraLoL Kalista LoL GangplankLoL CorkiLoL Alistar
Team Gold 75.5k 84.8k
Towers 4 9
Dragons/Barons 1 D / 0 B 4 D / 1 B
Role XG Pick Kills: 21 Kills: 30 Pick HKE
Top LoL Lulu Nexus 1 4/8/11 4/7/8 4 MapleSnow LoL Fiora
Jng LoL Elise Yo 3 2/8/15 4/4/13 2 Dinter LoL Gragas
Mid LoL Zed SuwaKo 5 7/3/3 9/5/7 6 Rokenia LoL Fizz
Adc LoL Ezreal LBB 3 6/5/11 10/2/12 2 GodKwai LoL Lucian
Spt LoL Braum SuKi 5 2/6/11 3/3/10 4 Olleh LoL Morgana

First blood: Dinter LoL Gragas with MapleSnow LoL Fiora on has slain Nexus LoL Lulu at 3:15

XGamers and Hong Kong Esports played a rare action-packed, high-casualty game that stayed pretty even until the very end. HKE was able to snowball their way to a victory.

Hong Kong Esports started the game off grouping as five and invading the XGamers jungle. They almost caught up to Yo, so Nexus started with Whimsy (instead of Glitterlance) as his first skill to help Yo escape. All parties then returned to base and back to their respective lanes.

Two minutes in, Olleh flashed forward and released a Dark Binding and Ignite onto LBB, who immediately healed and walked away. SuKi’s passive stunned and almost killed Olleh, but GodKwai healed him just in time. LBB, with about one third of his health points left, flashed towards his tower and escaped.

Shortly after, Dinter waddled his way to the top-lane river bush as Nexus took chunks out of MapleSnow. Nexus flashed out upon seeing Dinter, but Dinter used his Body Slam to stop Nexus. Dinter was able to kill Nexus for first blood at 3:15, but MapleSnow took one two many tower hits. The two died in each other’s arms.

About a minute later, Dinter returned to the top lane but was spotted by Nexus’s new vision ward in the river. Though Nexus was able to Whimsy out of range, Dinter flashed in with another Body Slam to hit him and serve another kill to MapleSnow.

As MapleSnow did not return to base after this kill, he was only armed with Cull and a Corrupting Potion. Nexus, on the other hand, had two Doran’s Rings and a Spellthief’s Edge when he returned to lane. As they traded damage, Yo dropped in and landed on MapleSnow, who got greedy and tried to kill Nexus anyway. Nexus finished him off and helped Yo score a Rift Herald.

MapleSnow continued to farm out his Cull and fight with Nexus, but did not ward his side of the jungle. Yo and SuwaKo paid him a visit under his tower for another kill. Dinter killed the game’s first dragon in response.

The first teamfight involved Yo getting caught in the dragon’s river. Olleh flashed forward to cast a Dark Binding towards Yo but missed; Rokenia then began his teleport onto a nearby ward. Nexus began channeling his teleport as well, but cancelled it. Yo Rappelled to get to the other side of Olleh and Dinter and out of the fight, but Olleh’s Soul Shackles slowed and stunned him. Dinter threw an Explosive Cast to isolate Yo, who flashed out. Though SuKi and SuwaKo rushed to his aid, GodKwai’s Culling finished him off from the other side of a wall. Rokenia ended up stunned by SuKi’s Concussive Blows passive and dying to SuwaKo. GodKwai dashed into the fight but out of position and isolated. He was collapsed on and killed. Nexus and MapleSnow continued their dance in the top lane.

At around 15:30, Yo and SuKi were surrounded in the HKE jungle and tried to escape, but GodKwai’s Culling and Dinter’s fermented barrel greatly weakened Yo. Rokenia Chummed the Waters and dashed through Yo with the Urchin Strike, finishing him off. SuKi was able to escape. HKE then destroyed the game’s first tower in the bottom lane.

HKE attempted a second dragon at 18:00, but Dinter did not have his smite ready. Yo was able to Rappel in and steal the dragon with his own smite and kill Dinter as well. XG proceeded to take down the outer mid-lane turret, but MapleSnow also pushed the outer top-lane turret down.

Wandering around HKE jungle again, Yo caught GodKwai in a cocoon and pounced on him at around 21:20. LBB released a Trueshot Barrage on him as well. GodKwai flashed out as Dinter Body Slammed in, and XG chased Dinter and Godkwai out of the river. Olleh rushed into the fight and landed a Dark Binding and Tormented Soil onto Yo, giving GodKwai a free Culling. Dinter threw an Explosive Cask in, and GodKwai was able to finish off the spider with two more shots.

At this point, Nexus and LBB were sandwiched in the river: MapleSnow came running from XG’s jungle and Rokenia began channeling his teleport onto a ward next to MapleSnow. LBB attempted to escape through the Dragon pit, but MapleSnow and Dinter collapsed onto him. Though LBB was able to flash out, Rokenia was waiting for him on the other side and killed him anyway. In the back, SuwaKo dropped a Death Mark onto GodKwai and finished him off. Nexus was able to escape with Whimsy, and SuwaKo also got out. HKE then destroyed the outer mid-lane turret.

Week 5; Day 1

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